I have the aiming of the 1.2m offset dish calibrated, so it’s ready for receiving on DSN bands. I started by placing a WA5VJB wideband log-periodic array at the focal point followed by a Minicircuits LNA. I placed the filter/cable driver in the mast box to send the S-band signal via 100 ft of LMR400 to the shack.
With the Az/El under the command of NOVA for Windows, I set it to track DSP-F21 (USA-159). The satellite transmits using circular polarization, so I know that I’m wasting at least half of the signal by receiving with linear polarization, but this is the feed that I have on hand for this antenna. Nevertheless, the received signal is very clearly seen against the low noise floor:
Next: Mount the DSN x-band horn/lna/downconverter on the 1.2m dish and start to practice tracking of non-Earth-orbiting probes.